Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

          Business solutions that WORK!!!!!!!!!!                       




What if the unthinkable happens - complete loss of facility!

Would your company survive?


Without a Business Continuity Plan the chances of your company surviving following a major disaster are greatly reduced. A full recovery plan encompasses everything from where to obtain replacement equipment quickly, which primary processes have to be invoked, who must be contacted, where and how staff will be housed.

Gartner states.........."95% of companies that suffer a disaster and do not have a tested continuity & recovery plan in place will fail within 12 months".

The Buncefield disaster (Dec. 05) in Hemel Hempstead affected 100's of small businesses. It is not known yet how many of those businesses have failed, but it is without question that any that did not have a BC&DR plan in place have found business continuance very very difficult.

You can't wait for the insurance to pay out. Your customers may be sympathetic to your plight but will go elsewhere for your services or products.

Business Continuity Management (BCM) is the cornerstone of good corporate practice because it embraces risk, security, insurance, legal, operational & safety issues.

A BC&DR plan does not stop the disaster happening. But it does make the process of recovery a controlled and speedier process. Staff will be made aware of where they will work, the equipment they need and where to obtain replacement equipment. Who will contact suppliers & customers and what is to be said.

Our consultants will put into place and undertake:

Business Impact Analyses BC&DR Training
Risk Assessment BC Polices
Annual Re-assessment Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
BC Audit DR Testing



Important note: Just because you back up the data on your computer does NOT mean you can recover from a disaster - far from it. 




BCI logo Business Continuity Institute Good Practice Guide.

BS7799 - Information Security Standard

BS25999-1:2006 Code of Practice for Business Continuity Management

BS25999-2:2007 Specification for Business Continuity Management




Key Benefits

  • Reduced insurance premiums
  • Peace of mind!
  • Vastly increased chances of business continuing
  • Improved businesses processes



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